What Is the Recommended Massage Frequency?

Getting a massage can be a treat to heal yourself. There are several potential health benefits of massage, including less stress, improved immune function, improved mental & physical wellness, and more. What is the ideal time between massages? We have heard a lot about this. The obvious response is that it depends on your physical requirements. The frequency of massages can vary from person to person, so pick a therapist before getting one. A therapist or a doctor can recommend the frequency and intensity that are best for your physical state.

Get the Best Relaxation Massage Centers in NYC, Honey Dews Spa will help heal your body through a great massage. Massage frequency and duration will depend on the type of massage and the area you want to focus. Moreover massage frequency will vary upon person to person, i.e, a weekend warrior’s spa frequency will differ from an athlete.


A therapist always recommend to choose a weekly or bi-weekly massage. Since athletes are constantly rebuilding their muscles throughout training, massage can aid to speed up the healing process and reduce the production of scar tissue. A massage therapy can improve performance, reduce pain, prevent injury. Nearly 30 to 50 percent of marathon runners have been reporting the muscle pain after the training, physical therapist who specializes in treatment of various illness can treat your problems. It has psychological improvements too i.e, reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus, recovery from competition stress and more.


Weekend warriors should be treated by massage for once in every two weeks. Weekend warriors are the one who is working through out the day except weekends, these ones are workholics and spending their most of the time at office like 9 to 6 workers. Their muscles need to be relaxed at the best way. To aid in healthy tissue regeneration and lessen pain from the intense activities that the body is undergoing, it is advised to get massaged at least once every three weeks (or every two). A good therapist can help you with clearing all your queries, massage will help to reduce the stress that had generated through work. Get the best Massage Therapy in NYC to experience the holy touch of wellness.


No matter how old you are, taking care of your skin is an inevitable part of your life. Many therapist suggest that men and women should be treated their skin equally especially when they cross 30. Facial spa will help to reduce fewer lines and wrinkles, stop acne breakouts, improves blood circulation, improve complexion and more. Facial Spa should be taken at once every 40 days or once in a month that is the recommended frequency.


Stress is something that we deal with throughout our life span, it will impact negatively on your mind and body, each and everyone wants to lead a stress free life but we all are running every day. However, there are various stress reducing mechanism are here we can experience. Massage therapy can be extremely beneficial for a number of reasons, massage  inherently calming and relaxing the nervous system, massage eases stress and anxiety symptoms. A monthly massage is great beneficial for the one who has stressed out.

There are many surprising benefits are included in massage spa treatment. It eliminates muscular pain and contractions, it controls stress, it will make you healthy and beautiful. Honey Dews Spa provides the Best Massage Therapy in NYC to soothe your mind and body. At Honey DewsSpa, the amazing, well-trained and welcoming personnel are ready to pamper you. Book an appointment today to regenerate your body with us.